Hi! I'm Miguel, a Web Developer passionate about technology
Welcome to my Website. Keep scrolling for more info
Years of
projects completed in
2 countries
Learn a bit more
about me
My name is Henrique Miguel Ribeiro, I am a Web Developer currently working as Senior Frontend Engineer at eBay Kleinanzeigen.
I have always been a technology lover, and when it comes to computers, I love everything. Hardware, Software, Operative Systems and Building and tweaking computers.
I had my first programming experience at young age while trying to streamline and improve my computer and Internet usage.
I started to work as a Freelancer at the age of sixteen, making some small software and websites mostly for friends and acquaintances. I still do it when I have time.
I'm a big fan of OpenSource Software and Gadgets, and I am always curious about new things.
Education & Experience
Masters Degree in Communication and Multimedia
Didn't finish my theses
Bachelor Degree in Communication and Multimedia
My Specializations
It's what I've been doing my whole life, using multiple languages
Responsive Web
Mastering CSS and focusing in Responsive layouts
Pixel Perfect Layouts
One of the best parts of my job, sitting with the designers and zoom in to the individual pixel until everything is perfect!
My Skillset




